Thursday 22 March 2012

this lesson i started putting string on my characters to make them jump. i also started off filming my animation

Thursday 15 March 2012

next week i am hoping to film but i may not have much time to finish so i may have to come in on my day off to finish my animation

this is my final character link who is also made out of plasticine. the images are taken form the front back and sides

this is another of my characters pickachu who is made out of plasticine. the images are taken from the front and the sides.

this is my character mario who is made out of plasticine. the images have been taken from the front and both sides

this is my character kirby who has been made out of plasticine the pictures are taken from the front and both sides

Thursday 1 March 2012

this lesson i put some videos onto by blog of my ideas i also started to create mario out of plasticine. next lesson i hope to create the link, pickachu, and kirby out of plasticine.

this is the trailer for super smash bros brawl which came out in 2006
for my animation i am going to do my own fight based on super smash bros brawl. the characters will be made out of plastacine i am going to use the characters mario, link, kirby, and pickachu. the scene i am going to use is the stage final destination. i am going to do a load of research at home as i have the game for my nintendo wii. i have not got a script as when my animation is ready to film i am just going to move the characters round but it will be like an actual fight. each person will have one life and the winner will be the one to knock the other characters off stage. above is the intro to super smash bros brawl.