Thursday 21 June 2012

for my own animation i decided that i would do a model based animation because i love playing with plasticine and lego. next i decided to do an animation on a game called super smash bros brawl which is a game for the nintendo wii because it is a really great fighting game and i thought that it would be a great piece of animation to create. the models i made were of four playable characters from the game these are mario, link, pickachu and kirby. the reason i used these characters was because they were easy to make and they appear in the super smash bros brawl trailer E3 2006 at the very beginning. the scene i used for the fight scene was a desk in the mac room because i tried to use a background of the stage final destination but the stage was too small and the characters would have had to be lifted in the air and i wanted them to stand on the desk. i added the part from the game where you select the characters and the conditions for the fight scene and the part after the fight where the winner is announced, this is because i wanted it to look like i was playing the actual game. the music i picked for the animation was the music for the stage final destination because i wanted music that is playing while you are fighting just like in the game. overall i wanted wanted to make the animation just like the game by using characters from the game, music from the game and being able to select the characters and saying who the winner is at the end.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

animation is the process of making things move and recording images every so often. there are many types of animation and one example is time lapse. time lapse is where you get a camera and take pictures of something at certain stages and then load them up on a computer. another way to create time lapse is to use a programme called istopmotion which is used for apple macs. to create an animation using istopmotion you have to load a blank project and take pictures every so often so that when you play it back it looks like you can see movement. george mellies was the first person to use timelapse in a movie called Carrefour De L'Opera. another example of animation is model based animation where you create a model and then take pictures of it to make it look like it is doing something. you can create models using any material but the most popular animations either use lego or plasticine/clay. one way in which you can do model based animation is to load istopmotion and create a blank project then add a mac camera to the mac and take pictures of the model at different stages to make it look like the model is moving. one famous person that makes model based animation is nick park who is famous for creating wallace and gromit and creature comforts. another example of animation is cutout animation which is where you use drawings or clippings from newspapers or magazines to create an animation. to make a cutout animation you cut images out of newspapers or magazines and then use them to create an image, next you load istopmotion and use the camera to take pictures of the animation at certain stages. one famous show that includes cutout animation is monty pythons flying circus which has many pieces of cutout animation including conrad poohs and his dancing teeth and american defence/crelm toothpaste. the other example of animation is pixilation. pixilation is animation that uses real actors to create it. to create pixilation animation you can take pictures outside and load them onto a computer. another way is to use istopmotion to take pictures with a camera while the person is moving. one famous piece of pixilation is Sledgehammer by Peter gabriel which is a music video.

Thursday 26 April 2012

I have finished my animation and to make it i got some plasticine and made my four characters mario, link, pickachu and kirby. Next I set up a camera and went into istopmotion and I filmed my animation by making the characters move very slightly and make it look like they are attacking the other characters. For the next part I recorded a fight from super smash bros brawl using a blank disc and a dvd recorder by putting the game on my wii then recording with a dvd recorder. next i took the dvd into a program called tmpeg express and edited out the fight scene so that all i had was the selection of the characters and who won the fight at the end. Finally I loaded imovie and put my animation and my recorded part into imovie and put them together so that they formed one full movie. next i loaded the video into garageband and added the music that i chose off the internet. below are a couple of screenshots of the software i used.

I have now finished my animation and loaded it into my blog. My animation is a good piece of work and I am proud of what I have done. For this assignment I used lots of different software including tmpge, imovie, and istopmotion. I have had loads of fun with this assignment as I have been able to get creative with plasticine but I had loads of problems that I managed to solve. Firstly we only had a short amount of time to finish this assignment but I managed to finish within the deadline. My second problem was trying to get the plasticine to stay together but I managed to stick wire into the model to keep it together. My third problem was that I had trouble making the characters float in mid air but I stuck some invisible nylon through each model so that it would not be visible on a camera and so the characters could float. My fourth problem was making the characters stand up but I managed to keep them up while I recorded my animation. My final problem was trying to get a file from my computer onto the apple Mac computers because it wouldn’t open and I couldn’t convert so I tried to get another copy form home but my dad couldn’t send it because it was too big so I edited it at home along with my animation and loaded it onto blogger. My animation went quite well despite the problems and I am proud of what I have done although if I was to compare to a professional piece of model based animation like Wallace and gromit then it is no where near as good as how nick park does it but I am not trying to get it to a professional standard and if it is good enough to get me a good grade then I am not bothered whether it is professional or not. i have read my comments which were made by my peers and i am pleased with the comments that i got. the comments made mainly say that it was a good piece of animation but there were a few problems with certain things such as music, the position of the camera and my hand being in the way. with regards to the comments i did not notice that my hand was in the way also with regards to the characters i couldn't get the camera any lower and with regards to the music i don't know what happened because when i loaded the video it had all the music together so i will have to look into the situation and find out what is wrong. overall good comments and i am pleased.

Friday 20 April 2012

this is part of my animation assignment and is a timeline which shows events that are important in history pertaining to animation. it was done in photoshop and i've put on just some popular events such as the creation of the zoetrope

Thursday 19 April 2012

this is my final animation and is from the game super smash bros brawl. the animation is of a normal fight from super smash bros. the animation features clay models of mario link kirby and pickachu. i think that this animation is a brilliant piece although i had problems with the plasticine and time but i managed to finish it with titles.

Thursday 22 March 2012

this lesson i started putting string on my characters to make them jump. i also started off filming my animation

Thursday 15 March 2012

next week i am hoping to film but i may not have much time to finish so i may have to come in on my day off to finish my animation

this is my final character link who is also made out of plasticine. the images are taken form the front back and sides

this is another of my characters pickachu who is made out of plasticine. the images are taken from the front and the sides.

this is my character mario who is made out of plasticine. the images have been taken from the front and both sides

this is my character kirby who has been made out of plasticine the pictures are taken from the front and both sides

Thursday 1 March 2012

this lesson i put some videos onto by blog of my ideas i also started to create mario out of plasticine. next lesson i hope to create the link, pickachu, and kirby out of plasticine.

this is the trailer for super smash bros brawl which came out in 2006
for my animation i am going to do my own fight based on super smash bros brawl. the characters will be made out of plastacine i am going to use the characters mario, link, kirby, and pickachu. the scene i am going to use is the stage final destination. i am going to do a load of research at home as i have the game for my nintendo wii. i have not got a script as when my animation is ready to film i am just going to move the characters round but it will be like an actual fight. each person will have one life and the winner will be the one to knock the other characters off stage. above is the intro to super smash bros brawl.

Thursday 23 February 2012

this lesson i went down to the lrc and went found a dvd which showed many animations so next lesson i will be thinking about the plot for my animation
for this lesson i need to do research into different animations and complete my plot and my storyboard. once i have finished my ideas i can then start to make my animation and then i can edit it

Thursday 2 February 2012

for stopmotion animation we have looked at different types of animations for this assignment but for the next assignment we have to pick which animation we want to do for our own animation and my favourite animation is model based animation so that is what i am going to pick to do but i haven't yet got an idea for my animation.