Thursday 26 April 2012

I have now finished my animation and loaded it into my blog. My animation is a good piece of work and I am proud of what I have done. For this assignment I used lots of different software including tmpge, imovie, and istopmotion. I have had loads of fun with this assignment as I have been able to get creative with plasticine but I had loads of problems that I managed to solve. Firstly we only had a short amount of time to finish this assignment but I managed to finish within the deadline. My second problem was trying to get the plasticine to stay together but I managed to stick wire into the model to keep it together. My third problem was that I had trouble making the characters float in mid air but I stuck some invisible nylon through each model so that it would not be visible on a camera and so the characters could float. My fourth problem was making the characters stand up but I managed to keep them up while I recorded my animation. My final problem was trying to get a file from my computer onto the apple Mac computers because it wouldn’t open and I couldn’t convert so I tried to get another copy form home but my dad couldn’t send it because it was too big so I edited it at home along with my animation and loaded it onto blogger. My animation went quite well despite the problems and I am proud of what I have done although if I was to compare to a professional piece of model based animation like Wallace and gromit then it is no where near as good as how nick park does it but I am not trying to get it to a professional standard and if it is good enough to get me a good grade then I am not bothered whether it is professional or not. i have read my comments which were made by my peers and i am pleased with the comments that i got. the comments made mainly say that it was a good piece of animation but there were a few problems with certain things such as music, the position of the camera and my hand being in the way. with regards to the comments i did not notice that my hand was in the way also with regards to the characters i couldn't get the camera any lower and with regards to the music i don't know what happened because when i loaded the video it had all the music together so i will have to look into the situation and find out what is wrong. overall good comments and i am pleased.

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